"The Preeminence of Jesus"
V. The Prescriptions of Jesus (Romans - Jude)
4. Jesus Is The Sole Savior of All Things (Galatians)
a. The Summons From The Gospel of Grace - 1:1-24
1. The Undertaking of The Galatian Churches - 1:1-5
a. Their Task Was To Realize Their Responsibility - 1:1a
b. Their Task Was To Reverence Their Lord - 1:1b
c. Their Task Was To Recognized Their Brethren - 1:2
d. Their Task Was To Repeat Their Greeting - 1:3
e. Their Task Was To Remember The Cross - 1:4
1. It Meant Death - 1:4a "gave himself"
2. It Meant Deliverance - 1:4b "rescue us"
3. It Meant Determination - 1:4c "according to the will of God"
f. Their Task Was To Rejoice In God''s glory - 1:5
1. Eternalness of God’s Glory - 15a "ever and ever"
2. Evoking of God’s Glory - 1:5b "amen"
2. The U. . .
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